There is a big problem with a usage of manual focus lenses on Canon EOS cameras: you can not
get a focus confirmation from an AF system.
Viktor Lushnikov has oferred a very elegant (and probably the most reliable) way to solve this problem.
Learning a native protocol of a conversation between a lens and a camera he
could create a compact emulator of a native Canon EOS lens which allows the most comfort
and efficient way for a usage of manual focus lenses.
You should just mount this emulator onto an adapter (or you can buy an adapter with this
emulator already mounted). Aftewards you should not worry any more about a focus accuracy -
you camera will give you a hint with a sound or flashing AF point in a viewfinder as it is
with a standard Canon lens in MF mode.
This emulator is especially useful with some entry-level SLRs from Canon as 300D, 350D etc.
According to a design issuer even if you see a sharp image in a viewfinder it does not
mean that you get a sharp image on a sensor or film. Even matt screens of these cameras
are not designed for manual focusing.
At the moment this emulator is successfully tested with following cameras:
EOS 3000N, EOS 500N, EOS IX, EOS 30, EOS 33V,
EOS 50E (*), EOS A2 (*), EOS 3 (*), EOS 5 (*),
EOS 1N (*), EOS 1V (*), EOS 100 (*), EOS 300V, EOS 300X
, EOS 300D, EOS 350D, EOS D30 (*), EOS D60 (*), EOS 5D, EOS 10D,
EOS 20D, EOS 1DS MK II (*)
(*) - For these models your should add an additional pin to your adapter. More information available here
If you camera is not yet listed - feel free to ask an author. Probably it was already tested.
You can buy this emulator alone or mounted on following adapters:
M42 => EOS
P6 => EOS
This emulator already got a nickname: "dandelion". If you want to purchase this emulator
please contact Viktor Lushnikov
or on Ebay
An appearance of a "dandelion":
A "dandelion" mounted on M42 - EOS adapter:
useful links:
Web site of Viktor Lushnikov
An appearance of "dandelions"::
Some cameras need an additional adapter's pin, here you can how it looks like:
A pattern for attaching a chip to an adapter:
This picture illustrates a usage of a pattern:
(place it precisely and look from above)